The Maps We live in, Edgar Gonzalez [Washington DC]



Este martes 4 de Abril, nuestro editor en jefe Edgar González, estará impartiendo la conferencia The Maps We Live in” en el Instituto Cultural de México en Washington DC, como parte de las actividades del mes de la arquitectura de esa ciudad.

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Join the Mexican Cultural Institute, in collaboration with SPAIN arts & culture, for a discussion with Mexican Architect Edgar González. The boundaries between the digital and physical realm have been dissolving more and more. Today we live a hybrid reality composed of new layers of information that we produce, consume, interact with and inhabit. This talk, «The maps we live in,» will walk us trough a journey across the new geographies we currently populate.

Edgar González is a Mexican architect based in Madrid. Directs the Bachelor in Design del IE School of Architecture an Design. And is the principal of EGD (Edgar González Design), a Strategic Design Agency where he practices as a strategic consultant specialised in applying design processes to complex problems and narratives.

Para asistir apuntate aquí: RSVP here.

La cita es a las 18.45 hrs en 

Mexican Cultural Institute
2829 16th St NW
Washington, DC 20009
April 4, 2017